Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Damn Swedish media, lies and propoganda

När Svenska Media ljuga om mitt land och påhitta saker, det är krig. Svenska folket måste bekämpa deras falska medier! Jag tycker synd om dem! Svenska folket sover and they do not understand the illusion or the lies and brainwash they have been going in for years.

Shocked when i visited a forum about travel in Swedish somebody asked with a mock if hijab is forced on women if they want to visit Lebanon. How can the Swedish people so ignorant, how can they believe everything said in the media!

I blame the Swedish media for all the hate, fear, islamophobia, arabphobia and hiding the truth about Lebanon for their people. I can understand there are many pro israelis in their staff but it seems that even the Lebanese Christians or Lebanese Jews doesnot mean anything to them, an Arabic jew is not good as a European Jew isn't it?

Nearly half of the population of Lebanon are Christians. Even my parents in law they have no clue about Lebanon its tolerance, beauty and love. I told my grandfather in law that in Lebanon we wear more bikinis than the people here in Sweden even in the snow! they are brainwashed so much by their media. Anything told to them they believe.

Today, i just feel to pack my bag take my kids and fly to Lebanon nothing else.
i'm sick of lies, hate and null tolerance in Sweden
it makes it an ugly country, i learned not to hate someone that hates me
but i despise non tolerance

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The war is here

The war is here:
Message from the Crazy Angels
First are not living in Sweden. Crazy Angels are more than 25 Lebanese women working together. A cousin is living in Sweden and married to a Swedish man. We know alot about Sweden from my cousin. All of us we live very well in Lebanon we are from different religions, backgrounds.
We have created this movie because of Swedish democrats about Lebanon
they have clippied pictures of iraq and lied! we said if the movie is not removed there will be campaigns against Sweden and we mean it we have just started! we will expose what you do in Thailand and the poor Thai girls and you try to Swedize the people there with your culture, traditions and opening swedish schools.
SD have opened a war themselves with the Lebanese people anyone who disses our country with fake information we will boot him!
All the photos are taken in Lebanon, just google lebanon beach parties, nightclubs, sexy lebanese women, places in lebanon. we wear more bikinis in lebanon than sweden! advisable to google in english not swedish. Swedish media is anti - Lebanon because of the pro israelians in their groups

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Svar på Sverigedemokraterna från Libanon

So Aftonbladet removed my post and here it is! it is funny they allow arab and islamic racism anything against the nazi party Swedish Democrats is removed!
Sweden: rou70 kelo khara bel lebnaneh

this is the post:

Svar på Sverigedemokraterna från Libanon
Sverigedemokraterna har skapat en falsk video om Libanon. Sverigedemokrater som aldrig besökt landet har kopierat bilder från Irak och ljugit om Libanon. Vi libaneser anser att Sverigedemokraterna bör ta bort filmen. Vi har 14 miljoner människor runt om i världen, bara 2000 i Sverige! Här är ett svar från Libanon till SD! Nu har deras video skickats till många libaneser i Libanon. Låten heter Ana 7horah. Det betyder att jag är fri att vara vad jag vill bli. Det är en sång jag sjöng för länge sen. Det motsvarar tolerans, vackra, fria Libanon. Här är videon.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

كن حرا قويا وحارب العنصرية والجهل في السويد

اذا كنت عربي او مسلم عايش بالسويد ساعدنا لنحارب الاسلام فوبيا والعرب فوبيا٠ ترجم من الصحافة السويدية الى العربية اي مقال ضد
العرب او الاسلام

كن حرا قويا وحارب العنصرية والجهل في السويد


Update: we are starting to translate articles from the Swedish media from Expressen, SVD, DN, Aftonbadet mm every article that is Arabphobic, Islamophobic ect. Translation will be exported to Arabic and presented to many major newspapers, channels in the Arabic world.

If you are an Arab, Lebanese or a muslim and discriminated in Sweden. Please help us and translate every article that is arabphobic or islamophobic. Translate it to Arabic and send it to us.

An email would be updated here later.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

No more fear! fighting racism in Sweden

From some years ago my husband wrote about Islam in the media. His articles were published in Aftonbladet, Expressen and many other major Swedish newspapers. He was a guest even on SVT.

We recieved many threats first on the phone, on different extreme nazi forums, extreme parties and a threat letter that i will show today here.

I'm an atheist woman i'm proud of my husband. He is free to practise what religion he wants. We had to change our son's name because of the racist society we live in.
In all my husband who is too Swedish have been treated exactly how jews were treated in Germany just because he embraced Islam.

People think i'm a dumb, idiot and got no mind whatsoever. I'am a very strong woman proud of my Lebanese roots, heritage, my grandfather, my tolerent country that welcomes all religions, people, backgrounds and doesnot discriminate anybody.

Because i love and support my husband
i'm showing this

There is a police record about this letter in their database. My husband have reported this for them from some years.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

La plus forte femme

Today is the last day and there is no remorse

Tomorrow the threat letter by a member of the Swesdish Democrats will be uploaded here and a link where my husband reported it to the police.

Jag är : la plus forte femme

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mise à jour

No appology from the Swedish Democrats yet! Two more days left.
The appology should be presented to the media and the press directed to all imigrants
arabs, muslims, gypsies, latinos, africans, asians ect.

I will reveal today abit about the threat letter my husband recieved in our mail. It was a letter that threatens my husband to stop writing about Islam in the media and defending muslims. The letter accused my husband to be a traitor because he converted to Islam.

Not only an SD member sent a letter but they also harrassed my family on phone and threatened us.

This is my revealing time for today!

I want to mention that i'am an atheist woman and i defend all women around the world including muslim women who want to wear hijab in Sweden and they are targetted and mobbed here.

My husband practises Islam which have nothing to do with me. Our relationship is not about religion but tolerence and respect.

I would like to thank five Lebanese women who are working with me on many different issues.

Hatet mot muslimer i Sverige is a very long project and it will be translated to Arabic by one of my friends i don't have time alone to do this.

I need to concentrate on my two other projects my grandfather and Little Sweden in Lebanon

This is for today

Remerciez et à bientôt

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Three days and the time is ticking now!

Je suis fier d’être libanais , j'adore le Liban et le peuple libanais.

This month i will be speaking about my grandfather show his photos in life and when he was in the Lebanese goverment very long time ago. The truth is shocking and i will speak about the international powers who wanted my grandfather to be involved in starting the civil war in Lebanon he refused and stepped out of his position because he loved Lebanon.

I will be speaking about the Swedish democrats i know they are reading my blogg. They got three days to appologize to imigrants in Sweden or i will show the threat letter they sent to my husband from some years ago and scan it and upload it on my blogg.
I said before that i fear no country or any politician.
Jimmie Åkesson, Göran Nilsson, everyone with the racist SD /son) i will make you bite your tongue again before you speak about arabs or muslims again. You wish to live in a tolerent beautiful and fantastic country like Lebanon!

To find about the Swedish democrats watch this on youtube
she is the spokesman and a member of the Swedish democrats this is what they want a clean white aryan race in all of sweden
and here is the profile

I will be also translating hat mot muslimer to Arabic and bringing it out to the Arabic media especially Aljazeera so they know exactly how arabs and muslims are treated in Sweden.

All Swedish media is on my watchlist now everything is being recorded and will be brought out to the Arabic people especially the Lebanese.

Enough is enough! Sweden treats me good i will treat it good Sweden treats me bad then let it be.

In any case i will be moving to Lebanon with my Swedish husband and my children. Sweden doesnot deserve someone like me or brilliant imigrants.

I have been tolerent enough celebrating lucia, christmas, midsummer! Now i will libanize all my family. In Lebanon everyone is accepted!

Libanon och Sverigesdemokraterna

Here is my post that Aftonbladet deleted so much for freedom of speech. Swedish media is okay with publishing phobia and racism against arabs, muslims, gypsies ect
they do not know that i know more than four languages ! lol

Jag skapade en blogg för att tala om för svenskar hur det verkligen är i Libanon. Jag har upptäckt att det finns så mycket lögner, disinformation om Libanon i svenska medier. En som inte bott i landet kan inte berätta sanningen. Jag är libanes som nästan har bott hela mitt liv i där. Det finns också en annan orsak till varför jag skapade denna blogg, jag har läst och lyssnat till vad Jimmie Åkesson, Sverigedemokraterna har sagt: "Alltså kan en arab inte bli svensk, även om han blir svensk medborgare.

Detta skapade mycket debatt inom mig själv och jag beslöt mig för att skriva om Libanon, mitt liv och min morfar som för länge sedan var en minister i libanons regering. Jag beslöt för att skriva om den vackra tolleransen vi har i Libanon och de fina saker vi har i landet vilket människor skulle drömma om att ha här.
Jag ska berätta för Jimmie Åkessons: vem sa till er att jag vill vara svensk att ta sin blågula rasistiska flagga och bita i en citron (go and suck a lemon).

Jag var mycket imponerade när en judisk rabbie brände sitt israeliska pass för att visa sitt förakt mot den israeliska regim. Jag har tankar på att göra samma sak med mitt svenska medborgarskap. Du har rätt Åkesson, jag är stolt för att vara libanes och jag vill inte vara något annat. Vem vill vara svensk efter allt i ett rasistisk land som behandlar muslimska kvinnor som bär hijab som en andra klass medborgare.
Jag är stolt för att vara född i Libanon i ett vackert och tollerant land där man accepterar kristna, muslimer, judar, druiser, armenier, palestinier, feminister, bögar, kommunister och liberaler. Konceptet att vara libanes är tollerans.

Jag kanske borde libanisera min svenske man eftersom alla i Libanon välkomnar honom där. Och jag älskar fortfarande min svärfamilj som är svenskar och jag älskar svenska kvinnor som jag tycker inte bara ser bra ut, utan även starka